Seeking Volunteers & Board Candidates

We are taking applications for volunteers and Board of Director candidates. More skills and support are needed to run this organization. Discover more under our About > Board Elections. We also are looking for more volunteers, who will work for a time (6-12 months)...
The Resilient Communities Project is Launching!

The Resilient Communities Project is Launching!

Communities Many know that our fossil-fuel-powered way of life is destroying the social, economic, and environmental conditions we depend upon for our survival. But fewer know that, despite high hopes, renewable energy technologies cannot and will not save us because...
Washington is Losing Farms and Food Producing Land. Does Anyone Care?

Washington is Losing Farms and Food Producing Land. Does Anyone Care?

Between 2017 and 2022, our state lost 3,717 farms and ranches. It also lost more than 102,000 food-producing acres. To put these numbers in perspective, Washington lost a total of 3,456 farms in the previous decade.

 A panel of farmers at your 2024 convergence might just be the ticket to bring this crisis to our attention, and to deepen our understanding of the importance of farmers in our communities and bioregions. 

These folks know.  We don’t.  They are also being eliminated in Europe to “reduce carbon” in the name of climate change.  Perhaps we can stand in solidarity with them, create an alliance and help educate in regenerative farming. Read original article here.