Northwest Permaculture Convergence

Now is the time for Permaculture to take root and grow!

Update: The Resilient Communities Project (RCP) Website is Live

Resilient Community features:

– A Resilient Community Land Trust that establishes a permanent commons as a basis for living sustainably on the land within a regenerative economic system (i.e. – circular). Members of the RCP Core Team will help develop a binding land-use charter that will define how the land is to be fairly allocated and stewarded for regenerative purposes. Later on, RCP members can elect or even possibly serve on the board.

Upcoming Zoom Event – Prout Alliance: Producing Green Energy in Partnership with Farmers

Ag-Grid Energy is a company that partners with dairy farmers to produce electricity and renewable natural gas from cow manure and food waste. Ag-Grid converts waste to renewable energy through a sustainable and carbon negative process. Ag-Grid’s dual purpose is to create energy with positive environmental impacts and to support family-owned farms by reducing their costs and sharing profits.

24th Annual Fairy and Human Relations Congress

Communication & Co-Creation with Fairies, Nature Spirits, Devas and Sidhe Date: July 18-22, 2024 Location: near Salem, OR Ticket Purchase Link:

Biochar: Promise for Healthy Soil June 20, 2024

Join us June 20th. Bates suggests that, if sourced cautiously, biochar energy systems could eliminate fossil fuel dependency, bring new life to desertified landscapes, purify drinking water, and build
carbon-negative homes, communities and economies.

Transportation Permaculture Principles

A Podcast and Article by Jan Spencer Good news.  Jan Spencer, Northwest permaculture advocate, has a 12,000 word article in the current issue of Permaculture Design Magazine, a Permaculture Activist Magazine dating back decades. Jan was asked to write an article about...

Consent: The Heart of Relationships & Community

Learn to get what you want out of your life and your relationships in this 5 day experiential event. Refresh your relationships and find greater ease, trust, empowerment, and joy as we learn this most tender of skills together in a safe and loving community!

Northwest Herbal Fair 2024

The Northwest Herbal Fair, back on the Olympic Penninsula, is a reunion of professional & grassroots herbalists, as well as people who are just getting involved in herbs.
Discounts still possible!