Northwest Permaculture Speaker Series
Presenting Permaculture Presentations
Monthly Speaker Series is now an ongoing series.
More info will be available about topics and speakers as the schedule takes shape going into the fall and winter.
For updates, please check back here and subscribe / read our Newsletter.
Taking applications here for Presenters and Story Tellers to be part of the series. There is a 45 day advance notice and a waiting line at times.
Speaker series info – a monthly offering by NWPCC.
- Sept Speakers – Shaelee, Julie & David (BOD). Culture of Healing Self and Community in Permaculture, Succession Planning for Sustainable Organizations and Star Voting in a New Cohort of Community Builders & a New Board at this Convergence. NW Permaculture social culture of healing harm and whats planned for The Convergence 2023 .
- July Speaker – Andrew Millison. Topic: World Changing Permaculture Projects, Friday, July 21, 4 pm
- May Speaker – Tomi Hazel Vaarde, Siskiyou Permaculture, Topic “Social Forestry”, Wednesday, May 24 at 10am PST
- April Speaker – Chloe and Lylia, Whole Systems Network, Topic “How the apocalypse leads us to community living”, Monday, April 24 at 5pm PST
- February Speaker -Eloisa Lewis, New Climate Culture, Topic “Trauma Circle Medicine”, Thursday, February 23 at 7pm
- January speaker – Jason Schreiner, Prout Institute, Topic “Integrated Permaculture Economy”, Tuesday, January 24 at 7pm
- December speaker – Mark Lakeman, City Repair, Topic “Testing Notions of Resilience”, Thursday, December 29 at 7pm
- November speaker – Penny Livingston-Stark PIMA, Interview by Jan Spencer, Nov 30, 7pm
Zoom at this link Meeting ID: 390 309 0360 (Updated) Passcode: 706622 Dial in: +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Did you miss one of the talks?
When possible we will upload the zoom meeting to YouTube and post them with their respective teachers in the sections below.

July 21, 2023 Andrew Millison, World Changing Permaculture Projects
When: 4pm
Where: NWPCC Zoom – more info here
Recording on YouTube
Topic: World Changing Permaculture Projects
This presentation will explore some of Andrew’s findings from his world tour of epic permaculture projects, highlighting projects from his recent time in India.
Andrew Millison is an agent for change who shares permaculture wisdom through expressions of art, design and multimedia storytelling. He is a pioneer of bringing permaculture teachings into the mainstream educational system, and is a Senior Instructor II in the Department of Horticulture at Oregon State University (OSU) where he founded OSU Permaculture Design program in 2009. Collaborating with experts at OSU, Andrew developed an online permaculture education program with niche offerings that has evolved into a worldwide program that has served thousands of students throughout the globe. The primary focus of Andrew’s 27 year career in Permaculture has been water management systems. In recent years he became a documentary videographer who travels the world filming epic permaculture projects in places such as India, Egypt, Mexico, Cuba, and throughout the US which are featured on his popular YouTube channel.
Permaculture Design Principles to be presented.
- Observe and interact.
- Catch and store energy.
- Obtain a yield.
- Design from patterns to details.
- Integrate rather than segregate.
- Use and value diversity.
- Use edges and value the marginal.
- Creatively use and respond to change.
Wanna help? volunteers welcome to help! Contact us!
More coming from this last year here… stay tuned.